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Tie Dye Fizzy Easter Eggs

Looking for a new way to dye your Easter Eggs or dying them for the first time with little hands? This is a fun way to occupy your toddlers and dye your Easter Eggs this year! **This post may contain affiliate links, a small commission may be earned.**

This was my first year dying eggs with my toddlers and I was definitely a little worried. I wanted it to be fun for them and not an insane mess for me. When I was younger we always dyed eggs in the cups with the dye tablets. You could draw on the egg with some white crayon first and a secret message would appear.

If you have older kids, I think this way still works – but as a mom of an almost 2 year old and an almost 4 year old, this didn’t seem like it would be fun for them at all.

So instead of that classic way, I decided to try and mixed a couple of old activities for a new way to dye the Easter Eggs. I REALLY wanted it to work with these dyeable fake eggs, but unfortunately it didn’t. My kids still had a blast with these and the decoration kits too (and they’re all $3? a steal if you ask me).

So instead I tried my new favorite way to dye eggs with real hard boiled eggs and it was AMAZING. You probably have everything you need already at home to do this anyway! My kids absolutely loved it and it occupied them for a good 30 mins of painting and then another 15 minutes of making the eggs fizz (they just thought that was so cool). At the end my daughter was asking if we could do it again and again.

What you’ll need:

What to do:

  1. In a muffin tin, scoop a tablespoon of baking soda, a tablespoon of water, and food coloring. Mix it together.
  2. Place your eggs in another muffin tin, this was helpful for my toddler to paint the eggs without making too much of a mess.
  3. Let your toddler paint their eggs until all the white space is covered. I let this step take as long as my toddler wants it to. The point of doing the eggs this was way to let my toddler be able to do it and to give me a little break!
  4. Once your toddler is done painting, pour some vinegar into a cup. Have your toddler use the pipette to drop vinegar on the eggs. They should fizz! This part is just fun for the toddlers and kind of an experiment!
  5. Place the eggs on a plate and let them dry.
  6. Rinse the eggs after they dry (you can rinse before too, but the colors may fade slightly).
  7. Use the eggs for your Easter Eggs Hunts or just to eat over the next few days.

If you want this activity to last a long time, you could have your toddler just do 1-2 eggs at a time. Paint them and then drop the vinegar on it to reveal their design. I think we’ll do this again and that’s how I will space it out. My daughter wanted to keep doing it because it was so much fun for her – and really a minimal mess for me!

I hope your toddlers love this way of dying eggs, I know mine did!

You can also totally add the cute egg decoration kits for another day of activities!

Remember to have fun, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. You’re doing a great job. xx Ciara

If you’re shopping for Easter baskets I have ideas for all ages: Toddler, Kids, Toddler Girl, Toddler Boy, Baby, Boy, Girl. Also don’t forget to check out more easy activities you can do with your toddlers this season!

Ciara Deanne



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